Makers of fibre based products

so here is the deal...

How do new potential customers wishing to buy more sustainable clothing go about researching and making an informed choice? 

searching the web for answers... about the Lenzing Modal super jersey celebrating its 50 years of clean technicities utilised every day by wearers of SueMe Trunks, also gifted by its own pack of seeds to plant...

I discovered an informative site about traditional fibres but missing the mark regarding new technical fibres designed for performance and cleaner environmental processes of wood pulp...
So looking at the wider picture has become crucial to make informed decisions...

How do new potential customers wishing to buy more sustainable clothing made out of European wood pulp go about researching and making an informed choice? 

In the Evening Standard, have you seen the PaperLovesTree ad?
“European forests, which provide wood for making paper, paper packaging and many other products—- - have been growing by 1,500 football pitches every day!” Love paper. products such as such as Lenzing based super clean SueMe London Underwear. Collabs


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