from greener fibes

to greener possibilities with greener local brand Growing Story:
Sustainable ActionWear London brand SueMe open its doors to UAL Collaborative Unit master students to study the sustainable angle of clothing manufacturing from London Creative Studio SueMe supplying the market with the best fitted and most comfortable underwear that can offset our carbon footprints as well as last through most of our daily active pursuits over many many years, whether it be riding a bike to work or sliding the Pyrenees slopes, it all comes with a small pack of seeds to reMIND us it all starts with a small gesture...
To display sustainability inside out, the SueMe range is topped with unique jackets and gilets made to order and created in-house with much fibelove.
The SueMe UAL CU Teams
will be responsible for creating visual online campaigns for the brand to disseminate its seeds to wider audiences... 
*Picture: The Wetlands are London oldest and largest water reservoirs and can be visited

First meeting: 10-2-20 Awakening...
The SueMe Collaborative Teams visited HQ for bief

 6:03:2020: UAL Film Crew Team meeting Team The Growing Story/Outerwear
Followed by online meetings to find ways to go around the lockdown creatively... 

CU SueMe Project 
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